Mike Davis - The Honest Mommy


Austin, Texas


Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Children’s Technology, Product Reviews, Coding for Kids

Mike Davis

Kids Tech Specialist

Mike is passionate about making technology accessible and fun for kids, often reviewing and recommending kid-friendly tech products.
He has a deep understanding of coding for kids and has developed several learning resources for The Honest Mommy.
Mike keeps up with the latest trends in children’s technology, ensuring parents are well-informed about the best tech options for their kids.


Mike has been with The Honest Mommy since 2020, bringing his expertise in children’s technology to the team. With a degree in Computer Science and a love for teaching, Mike has spent his career making technology more accessible and enjoyable for children.


Mike graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a degree in Computer Science. He has also completed several courses on child education and psychology to better understand the learning needs of children.

The Honest Mommy Editorial Policies

The Honest Mommy’s content is crafted by a dedicated team of parenting experts, child development specialists, and experienced writers. Our team is passionate about providing the most current, engaging, and helpful content for parents and caregivers. Our mission is to serve as a reliable resource for those seeking guidance, tips, and insights into the world of parenting.

Our content managers, specialists, and fact-checkers work collaboratively to ensure that our content is accurate, timely, and comprehensive. We believe in the importance of providing trustworthy and practical information to our readers. For more details about our editorial policy, please visit our dedicated page here.

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